Enumerating Pre-install Packages
- Apple Enumerating Pre-install Packages
- Enumerating Pre Install Packages
- Bootcamp Enumerating Pre-install Packages
How to reinstall and update packages • • 5 minutes to read • Contributors • • • In this article There are a number of situations, described below under, where references to a package might get broken within a Visual Studio project. In these cases, uninstalling and then reinstalling the same version of the package will restore those references to working order. Updating a package simply means installing an updated version, which often restores a package to working order. Updating and reinstalling packages is accomplished as follows: Method Update Reinstall Package Manager console (described in ) Update-Package command Update-Package -reinstall command Package Manager UI On the Updates tab, select one or more packages and select Update On the Installed tab, select a package, record its name, then select Uninstall.
Reference for Install-Package PowerShell command in the NuGet Package Manager Console in Visual Studio. Considers prerelease packages for the install.
Switch to the Browse tab, search for the package name, select it, then select Install). Nuget.exe CLI nuget update command For all packages, delete the package folder, then run nuget install. For a single package, delete the package folder and use nuget install to reinstall the same one. In this article: • • When to Reinstall a Package • Broken references after package restore: If you've opened a project and restored NuGet packages, but still see broken references, try reinstalling each of those packages. • Project is broken due to deleted files: NuGet does not prevent you from removing items added from packages, so it's easy to inadvertently modify contents installed from a package and break your project.
Apple Enumerating Pre-install Packages
To restore the project, reinstall the affected packages. • Package update broke the project: If an update to a package breaks a project, the failure is generally caused by a dependency package which may have also been updated. To restore the state of the dependency, reinstall that specific package. • Project retargeting or upgrade: This can be useful when a project has been retargeted or upgraded and if the package requires reinstallation due to the change in target framework. NuGet shows a build error in such cases immediately after project retargeting, and subsequent build warnings let you know that the package may need to be reinstalled. For project upgrade, NuGet shows an error in the Project Upgrade Log.
• Reinstalling a package during its development: Package authors often need to reinstall the same version of package they're developing to test the behavior. The Install-Package command does not provide an option to force a reinstall, so use Update-Package -reinstall instead. Constraining upgrade versions By default, reinstalling or updating a package always installs the latest version available from the package source.
In projects using the packages.config management format, however, you can specifically constrain the version range. For example, if you know that your application works only with version 1.x of a package but not 2.0 and above, perhaps due to a major change in the package API, then you'd want to constrain upgrades to 1.x versions. This prevents accidental updates that would break the application. To set a constraint, open packages.config in a text editor, locate the dependency in question, and add the allowedVersions attribute with a version range. For example, to constrain updates to version 1.x, set allowedVersions to [1,2): In all cases, use the notation described in. Using Update-Package Being mindful of the described below, you can easily reinstall any package using the in the Visual Studio Package Manager Console ( Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console): Update-Package -Id –reinstall Using this command is much easier than removing a package and then trying to locate the same package in the NuGet gallery with the same version.
Enumerating Pre Install Packages
Note that the -Id switch is optional. The same command without -reinstall updates a package to a newer version, if applicable. The command gives an error if the package in question is not already installed in a project; that is, Update-Package does not install packages directly. Update-Package By default, Update-Package affects all projects in a solution.
To limit the action to a specific project, use the -ProjectName switch, using the name of the project as it appears in Solution Explorer: # Reinstall the package in just MyProject Update-Package -ProjectName MyProject -reinstall To update all packages in a project (or reinstall using -reinstall), use -ProjectName without specifying any particular package: Update-Package -ProjectName MyProject To update all packages in a solution, just use Update-Package by itself with no other arguments or switches. Use this form carefully, because it can take considerable time to perform all the updates: # Updates all packages in all projects in the solution Update-Package Updating packages in a project or solution using always updates to the latest version of the package (excluding pre-release packages). Projects that use packages.config can, if desired, limit update versions as described below in. For full details on the command, see the reference. Considerations The following may be affected when reinstalling a package: • Reinstalling packages according to project target framework retargeting • In a simple case, just reinstalling a package using Update-Package –reinstall works.
A package that is installed against an old target framework gets uninstalled and the same package gets installed against the current target framework of the project. • In some cases, there may be a package that does not support the new target framework. • If a package supports portable class libraries (PCLs) and the project is retargeted to a combination of platforms no longer supported by the package, references to the package will be missing after reinstalling. • This can surface for packages you're using directly or for packages installed as dependencies. It's possible for the package you're using directly to support the new target framework while its dependency does not.
• If reinstalling packages after retargeting your application results in build or runtime errors, you may need to revert your target framework or search for alternative packages that properly support your new target framework. • requireReinstallation attribute added in packages.config after project retargeting or upgrade • If NuGet detects that packages were affected by retargeting or upgrading a project, it adds a requireReinstallation='true' attribute in packages.config to all affected package references. Because of this, each subsequent build in Visual Studio raises build warnings for those packages so you can remember to reinstall them. • Reinstalling packages with dependencies • Update-Package –reinstall reinstalls the same version of the original package, but installs the latest version of dependencies unless specific version constraints are provided. This allows you to update only the dependencies as required to fix an issue. However, if this rolls a dependency back to an earlier version, you can use Update-Package to reinstall that one dependency without affecting the dependent package.
• Update-Package –reinstall -ignoreDependencies reinstalls the same version of the original package but does not reinstall dependencies. Use this when updating package dependencies might result in a broken state • Reinstalling packages when dependent versions are involved • As explained above, reinstalling a package does not change versions of any other installed packages that depend on it. It's possible, then, that reinstalling a dependency could break the dependent package.
Bootcamp Enumerating Pre-install Packages
Hi, I see in the documentation that I can install custom R packages (pasted relevant text below), but I have a few that I need installed to complete a very short task. Is there way to pre-install so I don't encounter the overhead of installing each time? Installing things like `tidyr` would take more time than executing my script that uses `tidyr` Importing packages You also can import packages that are not already installed from a staged ML Studio repository by using the following commands in the module and zipped package archive. Hi nmarc, If the package is not pre-installed, the user would need to install the package along with the dependencies via the zip port in the 'Execute R Script' module. 'tidyr' was already pre-installed in Azure ML. You can check the latest list of pre-installed packages using the following script within your 'Execute R Script' module: data. Hi nmarc, If the package is not pre-installed, the user would need to install the package along with the dependencies via the zip port in the 'Execute R Script' module. 'tidyr' was already pre-installed in Azure ML. You can check the latest list of pre-installed packages using the following script within your 'Execute R Script' module: data.
Thanks Jaya, I need to install more than `tidy` R, including my own custom package. It helps a little to have packages installed globally for all Azure users but there's still something missing for my use case. The pre-installing I need is so I can create a web service around my own custom R package that's responds quickly (users don't have to wait for an install for every call made to the service). I added to the idea list here Pre-installing my own package for my own web service (hosted on Azure) would be great to do.
Hi Jaya; My question is related to this thread, but this time is about the 'mlr' package. As instructed above, I have uploaded a custom ZIP file containing all the required packages in ZIP format. I have been able to unpack it in a custom 'Execute R script' object, as per log below: [ModuleOutput] package 'mlr' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked Same for the rest of packages required by 'mlr' (ggplot2, BBMisc, stringi, ParamHelpers, etc) I was able to unpack them after downloading the latest available version of these found in CRAN: [ModuleOutput] package 'ggplot2' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked [ModuleOutput] package 'parallelMap' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked [ModuleOutput] package 'ggvis' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked. However, when attempting to invoke 'mlr' method 'makeClassifTask' it ends up with error: could not find function 'makeClassifTask' In addition, the successMLR variable below returns value FALSE:install.packages('src/mlr_2.9.zip', lib = '.' , repos = NULL, verbose = TRUE, dependencies =TRUE) successMLR.