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Free Big Cartel Theme

  1. Free Big Cartel Themes And Templates

Big Cartel Theme Installation. Preliminary Info. Unzip your theme download folder. Mac Users: Open theme files in a web browser (Chrome, Safari, etc.) or in an advanced text application (Text Wrangler). PC Users: Open theme files in a text application such as Notepad.

Don’t say summer’s over, cuz we’ve got your Sunscreen right here. The latest addition to Big Cartel’s lineup of free, built-in themes is here. It’s full of so many customization options that we’re pretty sure it’s SPF 💯. Sunscreen shines with easy navigation and flexible ways of showcasing products. SECONDARY IMAGE ON HOVER If you’ve ever struggled over which image to use as your primary product photo, Sunscreen solves that.

With this theme, your second product photo shows when shoppers hover over the item in your product list. Take the opportunity to show two views of your product: flat and on a model, in packaging and alone, front and back - you get the idea.

This gives customers a more complete look at your items, and makes the product list a lot more fun to browse. It’s like getting your hot dog and eating an ice cream cone too. SET PRODUCTS PER ROW Shops of all sizes look great on Sunscreen - you can maximize the space on each row with up to four products on desktop or two products on mobile, or you can give each product the spotlight by showing as few as one product per row. If you’re currently focusing on a few core products, spreading them out over more rows works well. For shops with a more expansive line, make the most of the time someone spends on your site while showing them more at once. And for those folks who like even more control, you can also decide how many products show per page.

You’re not in the kiddie pool anymore. ANNOUNCEMENT MESSAGE With the announcement message at the top of every page of your shop, you have a place to announce discount codes or shipping delays. This bar appears at the top of your site, giving visibility to important announcements without disrupting the overall look of your store.

Freemake music box. Learn how to create a free ecommerce website using Big Cartel. In this video I show you how to source inventory from Aliexpress. You have to be careful with this site because the product sizes aren't accurate in many cases, there can be copyright issues and the quality might be bad. Sketchup pro 32 bit. With all of that there are still good products that you can create a store around.

Do your homework and research. Once you have the product you want to sell setup your Big Cartel store. You can dropship if you want but I suggest having the inventory in stock so you can ship to your customers as fast as possible and grow your store.

Setting up Big Cartel is simple. You just pick a theme, add your products, describe your products, add pages, and your almost done. If you are using the free plan then creating your store could take just 30 minutes.

Free Big Cartel Themes And Templates