Lg Smart Tv Remote Control Not Working
Smart Home; Home Theater & Audio. Remote Control volume isn't working on my TV UN48JU6500. Your remote control will not work under the following conditions. LG SmartTV unable to load home by endorion12. Hi my LG Smart TV 42LB5800 turn on unresponsive after on with the clock alarm, after that day when turn on I decide to change the channel and down the volume but when I try to down the Volume wasn't possible only turn on and off with the remote control, I can't access to main menu to.
The magic is gone. Here’s the problem with smart TVs that I had never thought of: they depend heavily on the remote controls that come in the box. That’s a lesson that Michael has learned the hard and expensive way. The “magic” remote that came with his 47-inch LG smart TV won’t work.
My LG tv is not working. When the Comcast man left my home, the TV was unplugged. TV experts at my residence are unable to get it working: there are no buttons on the TV and I don't have an LG remote. Use the SimpLink button the remote control to manage devices. How to Use SimpLink on an LG TV. The 6 Smartest and Sexiest Smart Home Controllers.
That’s not very magical. Years ago, if your remote control didn’t work, the worst-case scenario was that you would have to get up off your rear end to adjust the volume or change the channel.
In the case of Michael’s TV, he can’t use any of the Internet features without that specific remote. You know, the thing that distinguishes a smart TV from other, stupider TVs. Update: Here is his sad tale: I purchased the “” from Amazon.com for $894.99 (paid for with a combination of American Express points and money – see attached invoice). Despite my brother-in-laws fanatical endorsement of everything Samsung, after seeing that the recent crop of good reviews of LG TVs at Amazon and other sources, the Cinema Screen with Magic Remote seemed like a great value with its internet connectivity and well-reviewed screen.
Lg Smart Tv Remote Replacement
After one false start (our first TV arrived with a cracked screen), when we finally had our new TV set up, things were great. We were watching YouTube videos on our TV, and we could’t stop gawking at the quality of the image as compared to our old TV. Then our Magic Remote lost its mojo sometime in August. The Magic Remote is the key to the functionality of this unit.
If it doesn’t work, you actually have to get up from the couch to turn the TV on and off, and to control the volume! Without the Magic Remote, using the internet features becomes impossible to use (this was one of the selling points of the unit). Additionally, you cannot download firmware updates to your unit if the remote does not work. I called LG and they sent me a replacement Magic Remote. After struggling to get the remote to registered,, we got our replacement remote to work.
It worked until about October when our replacement Magic Remote stopped working. This is when our appointment hell to get a technician to fix our TV began. LG sent one of their own technicians out to our house in October.
At first he didn’t know what to do (he kept on doing all of the stuff in the You Tube video to register the remote). He even called technical support that lectured him on the process that he and the video had lectured me on.

Finally, he took at a major part in the back of the TV. The Magic Remote works again. It worked for a few weeks, but then, despite multiple battery checks and re-registrations of the remote, it stops working.
I call LG, ask that they send someone over ASAP. We make an appointment. My wife makes sure she is there, no one shows up.
LG says they have no record that there was going to be an appointment – they look into their system and find that they can dispatch someone to our house the same week, but it would be a third party service. Date is confirmed, plan my schedule to be home in the afternoon so that a third-party service called [Redacted] TV will be there. I get a phone call from [the repair shop], I am told that they do not honor the dates that LG provides to customers and that it would need to order parts first before it sends anyone else. Finally, [Redacted] arrives at my house last week, technician disassembles the TV, determines that none of the parts he has ordered would be sufficient to fix the TV.
Lg Smart Remote Not Working
At that point, I was done with this TV. I thought it was time for everyone to finally give up on this unit, and just start over. I called Amazon, for about five minutes, they were going to replace the unit – I was ecstatic – then the the customer service rep said, sorry, he was mistaken, Amazon could not take it back at this point. I finally asked for some type of supervisory support when I called LG. I forwarded a copy of my sales invoice to [redacted], who said she would be submitting a request to the department that authorizes replacement units. She didn’t sound optimistic that a replacement would be approved as I now have a pending appointment with [the repair place].
I don’t trust this unit, the mysterious “Magic Remote” or the folks who have been sent out to fix my TV. I think the right thing for LG to do at this point would to give me choice by either reimbursing me for the cost of my TV so that I can buy another or by providing me a replacement (possibly non-Magic Remote) TV and ensuring that the set does not have the same problems this one has.
That seems pretty reasonable, which is why LG probably won’t do it. This situation seems ripe for a suit in small claims court.
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared on Consumerist.