Queen Of Fighters Mugen Full Game Download
Torrent now finished. (I'll be leaving my torrent open all night for anyone who wants to DL it.) Looks like its working fine. I could also put in my ftp folder as well, if that would be more convenient.
May 11, 2007 Download GAME mugen the queen of fighters!? Where to download queen of fighters mugen? Where can i download fighter factory for mugen. The Queen of Fighters Uploaded by: jejabu. The creator is selling a mugen game apparently, I don't. Scan everything you download here with your favorite.
Hmm, ADV just found a trojan.:? Hmm yeah my antivirus did find an 'advertisment trojan' thing on the uninstaller, didn't seem potentially harmful and I probably won't be unisntalling the game anytime soon, as the game seems to be updated once a weekish with a new character. Dam I love playing with 'Sexy Felicia' O_o. 1 year old bump but worth it.! Links to massive amounts of mugen mods, and even a link to the game with most all of the mods updated! (when the post was made not long ago) Originally Posted by fendo11 (on another vforum) Man, i think i should shed some light on this topic since I know so much about it and feel guilty about not contributing to it at all: First, I'll give some links and some info on each: This is blnt041's Megavideo profile, it contains some of the most updated videos on mugen hentai.
It also has a link to his 4shared account (personal website) containing most of the characters that are worth getting (including the new Iroha, Kuromaru_Plus2, and Milkymai) This is Alcnx's blog, it contains some good characters and links to other sites (though most of them suck). Some characters here are Bulleta (no panties), Tbonne, and Minotaur (if you don't know who this is, i feel sorry for you,no offence, and just ask me if you want to know, I'll tell you everything) Note: You may need to say your above 18.I forgot what this place is exactly, but it's where most of the other sites get their characters from.
Most threads in this forum are in Spanish, so just go to something like Yahoo Babelfish or Google Translate (though Spanish isn't too hard to follow and there are a lot of links so you don't need to read). The site is bilingual, everyone there understands English so post if you have questions. This is also my favorite site so hurry up and get there. I also found the new Tendril here (Tendril2, I'll give a link if i find it again) This is the M.U.G.E.N Imageboard, it contains a lot of character requests that are usually answered.
This was my first site and it gave me a link to the others so it's still a good site in my opinion. This is a 'Moonspeak' site that only contains images, but no links. Go here just for some good looks at unfinished projects. Yeah the game is pretty awesome haha also for the minotaur moves -back,down,forward X (opponent needs to be in air then press either X,Y,A,or B;raises pink bar aka 'love bar' on the right side of screen) -back,down,forward Y (then press either X,Y,A, or B;raises love bar) -down,down Y (opponent must be on the floor,then press X,Y,A,B;raises love bar; initiate sex positions with down,forward B when love bar is high enough;during sex, press X,Y,A,B for different positions and to continue with sex) CPu controlled minotaur doesn't do any sex moves on his own, so you'll have to be doing them! Many of which are very interesting and works with many of the girls:tears.
No its just 'another minotaur' mod I found that has those commands (or so the poster says) I think.! I use the other one I posted first since he works with everything and I got used to the controls. (no idea how to modify the controls myself) although. The best one i like so far. Or found the most interesting was. Roper vs Ki get his power levlel up to like.
2-3 bars and get Ki down to like 30% hp or something and then press the K key He'll do a special move and special 'finisher' animation:crafty: oh and for anyone wondering.! Corel draw x7 activation key. Go to the 'data' folder and modify mugen.cfg change 'fullscreen' FullScreen = 1 (do a search for it, don't randomly add it in!) its the only way I've found to full screen the game. Grizela has a interesting 'ending' after you beat her with a sex move XD (see pic below!) also if your using the 'no love bar required' minotaur.! Here is some help on using him!
(he works with most characters in mugen if you download the above 440MB thing) you will need 1 energy bar to 'perform sex moves' (this is all using default keyboard layout!) 1. So at the start of the fight press F3 or the spacebar (100% energy/ 3 bars of energy) 2. Press the K key to knock your opponent down 3.quickly press back then k to 'jump' onto your opponent (she has to be on the ground or this won't work!) 4.now while on your on your opponent, press the L key repeatedly (your opponent will start crawling away) 5.Now to start a sex move, press either. K, j, u, i (before your opponent completely sneaks away!) each is a different position he speeds up as you change positions, finishing on the 3rd after a few seconds.
Also staying on 1 position will slowly speedup and finish also! Grizela has a interesting 'ending' after you beat her with a sex move XD (see pic below!) also if your using the 'no love bar required' minotaur.! Here is some help on using him! (he works with most characters in mugen if you download the above 440MB thing) you will need 1 energy bar to 'perform sex moves' (this is all using default keyboard layout!) 1. So at the start of the fight press F3 or the spacebar (100% energy/ 3 bars of energy) 2. Press the K key to knock your opponent down 3.quickly press back then k to 'jump' onto your opponent (she has to be on the ground or this won't work!) 4.now while on your on your opponent, press the L key repeatedly (your opponent will start crawling away) 5.Now to start a sex move, press either. K, j, u, i (before your opponent completely sneaks away!) each is a different position he speeds up as you change positions, finishing on the 3rd after a few seconds.
Also staying on 1 position will slowly speedup and finish also! The guy who made Grizela has other chars that interact well with each other haha and their not even moded to work with these things kuromaru:P by the way their not nude.
Edit: a little vid i have on two of them fighting Girzela and Shartel, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV3oXqvTxyo. For mugen/queen of fighters go to Winmugen/queenofFighter Folder/data/select.def This file tells the game what characters to load (it has directions on how your mugen/QoF will load them so read them carefully!) All your 'character folders' go to Winmugen/queenofFighter Folder/chars --- Example my winmugen will 'only' laod a character IF the folder name of the character and the def in that folder match. For example select.def Tifa_nude1 Folder name must be Tifa_nude1 has to have tifa_nude1.def if the def name is different from the folder name, it will not load for me. Different QoF/Mugen versions may have different 'rules' on how it will or will not load it, it has directions in the select.DEF (use notepad). Thanks Gulkeva, now about the link the poster before me (the last poster on page 2). How does Megaupload work? I've never used it before.
If I were to download it, would it leave any traces if I deleted the History? Where would the file go? I need to know so as I can decided on whether or not to download it or not.? Megaupload is a 'free filesharing service'. You download/upload files to/from it. Files you upload to the service disappear after about 90 days if 'inactive' downloads (non premium) have to wait like 45 seconds before able to download a file.
You can delete your browser history if you don't want people to see you've been to the site to download/upload stuff.

If you don't care about that kind of stuff you still get a great beat'em up game with a fantastic roster (there are about 100 playable characters) and a great variety of moves you can perform, several 1 -player and 2 - player modes, as well as control and difficulty settings. Because of the great number of fighters that were imported from several games, there is a certain inconsistency in strengths and weaknesses of the characters. That means it is very hard to win with some of them and very easy with others.
If you don't care about that kind of stuff you still get a great beat'em up game with a fantastic roster (there are about 100 playable characters) and a great variety of moves you can perform, several 1 -player and 2 - player modes, as well as control and difficulty settings. Because of the great number of fighters that were imported from several games, there is a certain inconsistency in strengths and weaknesses of the characters. That means it is very hard to win with some of them and very easy with others.